Jenny McCarthy Vs Rose McGowan


How Jenny Became A Brunette

Jenny McCarthy enjoyed the California sunset as she walked across the deserted beach. Unfortunately for her, few things in life could be just as pleasant. A week earlier, Jenny happened to hear some really bad rumors that somebody had been spreading about her. Angry, she'd called a few friends and contacts throughout Hollywood to find out who it was. All of her leads hit a dead end until she got a letter through the mail, giving her directions to a desolate beach where the two could settle their differences.

Jenny knew it was a woman from a lipstick kiss on the note, but that was all. In any case she would make sure the other woman lived to regret it. Suddenly, Jenny saw Rose McGowan walk across from the other side of the beach towards her.

“Hey! Well if it ain’t the bleach blonde bimbo!”

“How’s your boyfriend, Marlyn? I heard he has bigger breasts than you now!”

Absolutley irate now, “When I’m done with you, you’ll be just another average bitch.”

As they came closer both women stripped, leaving themselves completely nude. Jenny jabbed her finger into Rose's left tit. "When I'm through with you, I'll rip those fat tits off your chest and stuff them up your ass!"

Pulling Jenny's finger from her tit Rose slapped her hard across the face. The blonde responded by punching her in the face as the two of them locked into battle.

A few days earlier, Jenny had heard some insulting remarks that Rose had made about her, fuming as she heard the exact words the actress had used. That night Rose went livid as she listened to her answering machine as Jenny fired back with some comments of her own. Rose called Jenny as the two of them engaged in a shouting match over the phone. Eventually, they agreed to have a catfight to settle their differences. Both women were extremely skilled and were confident of their victory.

Rose slammed two punches into Jenny's face, knocking her back. As Rose closed in, Jenny suddenly snapped a powerful kick to Rose's head, splitting her lip. Rose's left hook plowed into Jenny's right cheek. Rose cocked her arm back to deliver another blow when Jenny's powerful right uppercut exploded on her chin, sending her sprawling onto the ground as the Ex-playmate beauty stalked forward and kicked her in the face.

Pulling Rose to her feet, Jenny soon drove the brunette back with some hard tit punches, relishing in the yelps of pain from her rival's mouth as she continued to punch at her. A left to her eye staggered the blonde, allowing Rose a small breather as she rubbed her left tit. Jenny resumed her attack as Rose's bigger chest got the worst of it, but she was battering the blonde's face with stiff punches each time her knockers were punched by the blonde.

Jenny McCarthyJenny screamed in pain as Rose's fist slammed into her face again, bloodying her nose, the brunette turning out to be quite the fist fighter. Another punch to her eye had it almost swollen shut, Jenny desperately pounding on Rose's chest and stomach. Desperate, Jenny slammed her fist into Rose's cunt. As the brunette's face went white and her guard dropped, Jenny slammed a punch to each tit and an uppercut to the chin, dropping her to the sand.

Straddling Rose, Jenny ripped off her flimsy top, unleashing her massive tits. Jenny grabbed both of Rose's tits, the hard nipples are poking against the palms of her hands, as she squeezed. Rose screamed as Jenny powered the squeeze on, with the tits' flesh oozing out from her fingers. Rose shook her head from side to side in pain and grabbed a hold of the blonde's wrists to try and get her to release the hold. Jenny grinned and started bouncing her firm ass up and down on Rose's sweaty, flat, heaving stomach. Rose raved wildly at Jenny as she mauled, twisted, and scratched the brunette's melons.

"Fucking stupid slut, I'm gonna rip these tits right off your chest! I'll teach you to mess with me!" Jenny screamed wildly at the bombshell trapped below her. Desperate, Rose ripped off Jenny's top and grabbed hold of her tits hanging down in front of her.

"Oh, no you don't," Jenny said as she put all her might into crushing Rose's tits. Rose released her chest hold and tried to rip Jenny's hands from her chest. "Give up bitch!" Jenny yelled at the brunette.

"Ahh! Never!" Rose cried back.

"Okay, have it your way."

Jenny took and gripped Rose's left nipple and pulled her tit towards her. She then licked the tips of her fingers and slapped Rose's breast from her hand, as Rose lets out a glass shattering scream. Jenny repeated the move as Rose cried loudly.

Rose could only look in hatred at the blonde vixen. Jenny slammed her well shaped ass down onto Rose's stomach knocking the wind out of her.

"Well, bitch. You like my tits so much. How about getting a closer look," Jenny said as she raised Rose's head into her chest, going for her breast smother as Rose's arms and legs were wailing all around.

Suddenly, Jenny screamed in agony as Rose sank her teeth into her tit. Jenny finally managed to pull Rose's head away from her tit, rolling away from her and trying to massage the pain away. Reaching down into Jenny's bikini bottom, Rose ripped out a handful of pubic hair as the blonde screamed in agony, holding her cunt.

"Bitch! I'll kill you!" Jenny answered, holding back the tears in her eyes.

Standing, Rose stomped on Jenny's breasts over and over again. Jenny covered up her breast with her hands, leaving her wide open for the vicious stomp to her crotch. Jenny's mouth opened wide, but nothing came out. Grabbing Jenny's tits, Rose pulled her to her feet as the blonde screamed in pain. Still holding on to her tits, Rose slammed her knee into Jenny's stomach over and over and twice to her cunt before finally letting her crumple to the ground in agony. Straddling Jenny, Rose grabbing her tits in both hands and twisted it as she drove her fingers into the soft tender underside. After a half minute Jenny's face was etched in pain as Rose concentrated all her effort on the left breast, adding some hard nipple pinching that soon had Jenny bellowing in pain.

Her tit getting ravaged, Jenny desperately sent punch after punch into each of her foe's huge jugs, an uppercut to each followed by some right and left crosses soon had Rose wincing in pain with each blow, the flesh of each huge, sweaty, swollen tit knocking the droplets of sweat flying, shaking like jello with each shot. Suddenly Jenny let out a scream as Rose's right hand slipped into her panties and jammed into her cunt. Rose let out a loud yell as another of Jenny's punches found their mark, plowing into the side of her swollen and over punched left tit, then driving upwards into the tender underside of each. Her tits were getting pounded beyond her endurance, but she smiled through the pain as the blonde shuddered in agony, the brunette's fingers finding her foe's clit, twisting it with her fingernails. Screams poured from Jenny's mouth as Rose raked her nails along the walls of her cunt for good measure.

Rose unleashed a hard punch to Jenny's mouth, mashing her lips against her teeth. "Guess you aren't as tough as you thought, cunt? I thought you said you could fight!!!"

Rose slapped her exposed tits back and forth leaving huge red hand prints all over each one as Jenny grimaced, all but spitting in her face.

"I'm going to slap these shitty old titties right off your chest as you beg for mercy, you fucking cow!!!" Rose taunted as another hard slap sending her straddled rival's left tit flying across her chest!

Rose took Jenny's nipples and twisted them furiously between her fingers. Jenny bucked in pain but Rose held tight. Rose then released Jenny's right globe and started to punch it while still twisting her left nipple as Jenny's eyes began to tear as this beating continued. Jenny's right tit was now being punched by both hands as she screamed in pain as her flesh bounced into her with each blow. She knew that she was in trouble and needed to fight back. Jenny picked up a handful of sand and threw it into Rose's eyes. Rose rolled off of Jenny and started throwing punches at the air, unable to see.

"You Bitch!"

Jenny was still recuperating after the beating her chest had taken but knew that she had to react quickly. As Rose groped around blindly, Jenny's foot socked her jaw, snapping her head back and sending her crashing back. Rising to her feet, Jenny stomped repeatedly on Rose's cunt, as the brunette screamed in agony.

Pulling her to her feet, Jenny taunted, "So we're really proud of these big floppy tits, are we." The blonde sank the fingernails of her right hand into Rose's tits, taking several seconds to maul first one and then the other.

As she dug her fingers in deep, she started up again, "Nothing so special about these, honey!"

Rose howled as Jenny worked her over. Rose was shocked and nearly helpless as Jenny drove a fist into Rose's belly, doubling her over. A titanic knee launched Rose across the sand as she landed hard on her back. Jenny rolled Rose to her back and positioned her feet on Rose's hair. Jenny leaned forward and grabbed each of Rose's nipples and stood up, laughing maniacally as Rose screamed. Jenny pulled up as hard as she could, stretching out McGowan's boobs into unnatural shapes.

Sitting next to Rose, Jenny wrapped her legs around her chest and began crushing her big tits.

"Oh God, NO!" Rose screamed as her tits were mercilessly crushed.

The brunette began elbowing the blonde's tits, but Jenny simply ignored the pain as her thighs continued squeezing Rose. Rose got scared and tried to pull apart Jenny's legs, but she couldn't. She did the only thing she could think of to escape. Rose dug her nails hard into the back of Jenny's thighs and raked her nails all the way down to the knee. Screaming as she watched her shapely legs getting marred, the sexy Ex-playmate beauty loosened her hold, and Rose wrenched Jenny's legs around as she flipped her opponent over her back and down to the sand. Rose got up relatively quickly, but Jenny was already up.

Jenny wrapped her arms around Rose, putting her in a breast to breast bearhug. Rose screamed as Jenny's smaller tits dug into her own pair, jabbing painfully. Slowly, Jenny took control from Rose. Enjoying Rose's loud groans as her tits were grinding into the brunette's softer pair, Jenny shifted Rose's body back and forth, their tits mashing together as Rose's boobs were ravaged under the assault. Rose cursed and struggled weakly, her tits feeling like they were on fire. Desperate to free herself, Rose grabbed Jenny's bikini bottom and pulled hard, giving the blonde a wedgie. Jenny screamed as her body went limp, with the string bikini digging painfully into her pussy. Finally the bottom gave, as Jenny fell to the sand trying to massage the pain from her aching pussy.

Moaning in agony, Jenny looked up to see Rose as her foot whipped outward and came down in an arc, the heel driving right between her legs, striking her in the pussy and ending her fighting for that night! Jenny rocked back and forth moaning, trying to massage the great pain from her wounded vagina as Rose straddled her and trapped her arms under her legs, grabbing both of her generous orbs in her strong fingers, crushing and kneading it as she screamed in agony. Rose picked up a handful of sand in each hand and rubbed it harshly into Jenny's breast for a minute. Soon the blonde was red faced and screaming in agony her tit rubbed raw from the abrasive sand. Reaching back, the Actress rubbed the sand into Jenny's battered cunt, the Ex-playmate beauty screaming as she ground it in.

The blonde was trying to blink away the tears from of her eyes as Rose gave her right breast a two handed squeeze. Her whole breast was trapped in her foe's hands, the large, soft, sagging tit oozed out of the bottom and top of the brunette's hands as she started to twist it. That brought Jenny out of her incoherence and screaming back into reality as her whole tit was throbbing, sending waves of pain shooting through her. Rose was blind with rage as she continued to twist and crush her foe's aching tit.

Rose attacked her nipples and was rewarded with a moan, as she ripped the tits savagely upward then downward, then twisted them by the nipple as Jenny's face turned red with pain, as she sobbed in agony. Rose smashed her fist into Jenny's already savaged right tit over and over. Helpless and after another minute of tit punches Jenny was begging Rose to stop. Rose clamped her nails around both of Jenny's nipples and ripped the tits upwards by them then tugged them sideways and then into each other again and again demanding the blonde's surrender till she finally yelled her submission in tears.

Rose jammed Jenny's face into her cleavage, pressing her tits against the blonde's face. Struggling for a breath, panic set in and Jenny squirmed wildly, but to no avail. The dark clouds of unconsciousness began to settle in as suffocation took its toll on her.

As Jenny came out of her haze, she saw Rose standing over her wearing a huge strap-on dildo and a wide grin. Rolling Jenny onto her hands and knees, Rose knelt behind Jenny and held onto her hips. Rose impaled Jenny with the dildo and pushed the entire length of the thick shaft into poor Jenny's pussy. Jenny's eyes widened as Rose's hips started pumping, as Rose relentlessly pounded on her pussy. Jenny climaxed quickly, throwing her head back as her howls echoed across the sand dunes. As the tremors of her orgasm subsided, Jenny hung her head and began sobbing as her tears splashed against the sand.

Jenny McCarthy Rose stroked Jenny's hair and fondled her breasts, enjoying her domination of the violated blonde. Rose enjoyed showing Jenny that she was in fact the better woman, and would soon show her the futility of thinking otherwise.

Holding her hips, the brunette started to fuck her again, only more slowly this time. Rose’s pale white skin slapping up against Jenny’s perfect tan body. Tears ran down Jenny's cheeks as her body was being worked over expertly by the gorgeous brunette. Jenny moaned and tried to resist, but Rose slowly and deliberately began to grind her hips into Jenny's, working the dildo inside her all around. Jenny moaned in pleasure as she felt the dildo inside her twist until it was making strong contact with her g-spot. Jenny felt the dildo begin to rub up and down, stimulating her as she could finally resist no more.

Jenny's second orgasm was even more powerful than the first as her arms buckled and she collapsed on her breasts onto the sand. Rose was in total control as she rolled Jenny over on her back and really began pounding on Jenny's pussy. The blonde was completely spent as she gave in to the pleasure, her arms and legs wrapped around Rose as the brunette humped her for all she was worth. Jenny climaxed for the third time, arching her back and lifting her pelvis as she screamed loudly.

Rose unbuckled her dildo and got off of Jenny, leaving it sticking up between her legs. Rose then went over to her nearby car and got a black bag. Inside was black hair dye and a pair of scissors. After a few minutes, the gorgeous blonde was now a short haired brunnette. Getting a camera, Rose took pictures of her posing victoriously over her fallen foe.

“And if I ever see you as a blonde again, I’ll beat your skanky ass again and fuck you into being my little bitch slave!” Walking away, Rose enjoyed the thought of reducing Jenny to a broken shell of a woman. It took Jenny half an hour just to recover enough to leave. Jenny sobbed uncontrollably, praying she’ll never run into Rose ever again!


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